Please note that this Investment Review contains NIS’s opinions and observations as of the date of this letter, which are subject to change and should not be relied upon as investment advice.
National Investment Services (“NIS”) is an affiliate of Resolute Investment Managers, Inc. National Investment Services is registered as an Investment Adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). Registration with the SEC or with any self-regulatory authority does not imply approval by the SEC, nor does it imply a certain level, skill or training. Comparative and/or informational data was provided by or compiled based on third-party sources, which NIS believes are reliable, but which it has not independently verified. Indices referenced are unmanaged, may not be “investable” and are not subject to fees and expenses typically associated with investment vehicles or accounts. Information regarding market returns and market outlooks is based on the research, analysis and opinions of NIS, which are speculative in nature, may not come to pass, and are not intended to predict the future performance of any specific investment or strategy.